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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
From: jdunfee@shadow.net (Joe Dunfee)
Subject: Re: DXF exporting from modeler
Sender: owner-lightwave@mail.webcom.com
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>To: jun-t@technonet.co.jp (Jun Toyoda)
>From: jdunfee@shadow.net (Joe Dunfee)
>Subject: Re: DXF exporting from modeler
>>But exporting doesn't work at all.
>I have success to export when there polygons apply to triple.
>Jun " marble giANT " Toyoda
I tripled my object as you suggested and I could export a
DXF file with 3-d faces just fine. I also tried some of the
other options in the DXF out window. When I chose to export
polylines, rather than the 3-d faces, I was able to export my
origional un-tripled object. When I viewed the resulting DXF
file in AutoCAD, they were 3-D FACES, not polylines! However,
none of the flat disks (such as the top or bottom of a
cylinder) were exported.
I also just got off the phone with technical support. The
tec guy there said his DXF out command worked just fine.
Although, he is working with a later version than my Rev.4,
he said it should not make a difference. He suggested that
I call Syndegesis (sp?) the company that made the DXF plug-in,
for more help.
Joe Dunfee,
Miami, Florida USA
jdunfee@shadow.net (Joe Dunfee) sent this message.
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